
The Online Survey System is designed for survey coordinators, participants and people who need survey results to enhance their decision making. With this system, a survey coordinator can create a survey with questionnaires and invite participants via email while participants can browse and answer questionnaires. The system can also automatically analyze and present survey accumulated results back to participants. Furthermore, survey results can be made available to other users and members of the public, who may be interested in a particular topic and rely on the survey results for decision making.

System Framework

The Online Survey System is developed by using ASP.Net MVC 4.0, spring.Net, NHibernate, SQLServer2008 and LigerUI framework. NHibernate as ORM is used to interact with the database. Spring.Net is used as IOC framework and is responsible for capturing dependency injection of all objects; and also it applies the AOP feature to handle exceptions and retain logs on website operations. LigerUI is a front-end framework based on Jquery, and it is used for the display of front-end forms and lists. As for displaying the statistical results, we use the MSChart diagramming tool to provide histograms, pie charts, line charts, and other statistical charts. The system architecture is shown below:

Online Survey
Function Modules
  • Questionnaire Management
  • Survey Topic Management
  • Participant Invitation
  • Survey Participation
Survey participants are invited via email and access the survey by clicking on the survey link listed in the email. After the participants submit the survey, all the questionnaire results will be captured and saved in the back-end database.
  • Survey Statistics
The system will generate the survey results by analyzing each participant’s answer and displaying the results in the form of histograms, pie charts, line charts, or other statistical charts. The survey coordinator can also choose to show results based on all survey questionnaires or a particular questionnaire.